Our Policies

Digital Inclusion Policy

Digital skills are important in today’s society. Those who do not use the internet are missing out on cheaper and more accessible goods and services. The ability to search and apply for jobs online or helping incomes go further by purchasing cheaper online foods and services; can have a significant impact. The National Survey of Wales Internet Access Report 2019 shows that age was the key indicator for digital exclusion: 51% of those aged 75 and over were not currently using the internet, compared with 2% of those aged 18-49. Households in social housing were less likely to have internet access (75% of such households) than those in private rented (90%) or owner-occupied (89%) accommodation. Despite significant progress over the last five years, there are still too many people missing out on these opportunities. Those who remain digitally excluded are in danger of being left behind in society, as more and more services, including vital public services, go online.

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Environmental and Sustainability Policy

Our Environmental and Sustainability is based upon the following principles.

  • To comply with, and exceed where practicable, all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice in any activity that we have control of.
  • To minimise the impact on sustainability of all activities at the Community Centre.
  • To integrate sustainability considerations into our business decisions.
  • To ensure that all trustees, volunteers and staff are aware of our Environmental and Sustainability Policy and are committed to implementing and improving it.
  • To make tenants and suppliers aware of our Environmental and Sustainability Policy.
  • To review and strive to improve our sustainability performance.

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Equality and Diversity Policy

The Trustees of the Calon y Fferi Community Centre and FSEG are strongly committed to the principles of Equal Opportunities and we have integrated them into the development of our organisation and our project.

Discrimination is found in many areas of life and includes:

  • Age discrimination
  • Gender Discrimination
  • Sexual orientation discrimination
  • Race discrimination
  • Religious discrimination
  • Disability discrimination

We welcome participation from all people.

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Financial Policy

Sound financial practise are an important basis for the success of any organisation. Ferryside Social Enterprise Group recognises the need to operate its financial activities and accounts in compliance with current regulations as stipulated by the United Kingdom’s Charity Commission and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRS). We will also endeavour to follow best practises as recommended by these and other applicable organisations, local community and country councils, along with other applicable government agencies where practicable.

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Health and Safety Policy

As head leaseholder, The Ferryside Social Enterprise Group (FSEG) has overall responsibility for health and safety on that site known as Calon y Fferi Community Centre, and for ensuring that it fulfils all its legal responsibilities. The group’s trustees recognise their duty to uphold this policy and to agree the necessary funds and resources to pit into practice.

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Safeguarding Policy

Ferryside Social Enterprise Group is committed to ensuring that everyone who uses Calon y Fferi Community Centre should be safe and protected from harm.

This policy is in place to ensure that people who use the premises are following the requirements of the 2006 Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act and that these are adhered to throughout an individual’s contact with the Community Centre.

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Volunteering Policy

Calon y Fferi Community Centre has been developed by volunteers working together for the benefit of the community and our policy has been designed to reflect the esteem in which we hold volunteers. We value the contribution made by volunteers and we are committed to involving volunteers in appropriate positions and in ways which are encouraging and supportive and which allow them to develop. Volunteers offer their time and energy for the good of the community and are entitled to be respected by members of the organisation. 

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Welsh Language Policy/Polisi Iaith Gymraeg

Ferryside Social Enterprise Group has adopted the prinicple that, in its dealing with the general public. It will treat the English and Welsh languages on the basis of equality so far as is appropriate in the circumstances and is reasonably practical.

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Dog Policy

Calon y Fferi is a dog friendly site and welcome well-behaved dogs on site, except in a few specific areas. This policy sets out dog-owner’s responsibilities and our expectations of dog behaviour.

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