Join us

We welcome enquiries from individuals and businesses
who would like to be part of this community hub


We are Recruiting

Are you passionate about community?

Do you want an opportunity to be part of developing and shaping an exciting and vibrant community organisation?

We are looking for new TRUSTEES to join our existing board

Location – Ferryside, Carmarthenshire.

If you are interested and would like to be involved in taking our rural community organisation forward, please contact us for more information by emailing


Please click here for more information about the role.



Rydym yn chwilio am weithiwr

Oes ganddoch chi gariad at eich cymuned?

Fyddech chi’n hoffi cyfle i fod yn ran o ddatblygu a siapio sefydliad cyffrous a bywiog?

Rydym yn chwilio am ymddiriedolwyr newydd i ymuno â’n bwrdd presennol

Lleoliad – Glan-y-fferi, Sir Gaerfyrddin

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb ac yr hoffech fod yn rhan o symud ein sefydliad cymunedol gwledig ymlaen, cysylltwch â ni am fwy o wybodaeth drwy e-bostio

Cliciwch yma am fwy o wybodaeth am y rôl.



As a Business

From time to time, as our tenant businesses grow and develop, an office unit becomes vacant. If you would like to rent office space at Calon y Fferi, please contact the centre manager to discuss current availability and rates.


As a Volunteer

Volunteers are always welcome, whatever skills and time they wish to contribute.

Our wonderful gardening volunteers have made a tremendous difference to the grounds and could achieve even more with your help! We would also like a team of volunteers to restock our bird feeders and monitor our bat boxes.

There are countless other ways in which volunteers could add value, so please come along to talk to us about how we could put your skills to good use. Please contact Gaynor Jenkins if you would like to be part of this exciting and ambitious community venture. 


As a Trustee

Ferryside Social Enterprise Group is always looking for new talents and skills for our Board of Trustees. We aim to include individuals from a variety of backgrounds and with different expertise, in order to make balanced and informed decisions about the management of Calon y Fferi.

If you are interested in supporting your community and have a few hours a month to spare, please contact Gaynor Jenkins to discuss what becoming a trustee entails.